i wrote these to say the words that can't be spoken.
i wrote it because i'm like a big ball of ropes holding every thing inside of me..... :o|

New Hope.
Out of the ashes.. comes new life,
its is ever so delicate, so easy to break.
Spirits cut and scar it with wicked knives
of hatred, betrayal, sadness.
As it grows stronger it's jared, trembled and quaked
The struggle for life is harder than ever
grow grow to keep it self from falling apart
 now it's strong it won't give up never NEVER....
It blooms with the beauty fit for a maiden
For some day, one will pluck it and keep it in her heart.

The light... light is there...
after an eternal wait.. strung by burden ropes...
through, darkness, pain, anguish and dis-appointment.
It shines on MIH with the glare of hope
never before has EH stared into enjoyment.
Still scared, still a juvenile still......
A Whole New World !!! love, to feel... EH would just KILL....
for 1 chance.....
One chance to show ..........the world...

Why don't you cry ??
Run Run... and hide
What to do if you can't.....
Legion of darkness are brewing inside
Its making you bend, ache and slant...
Its not there..Clout and ŠhOuT!!
Hand with the gauntlet buried it deep,
Slowly, sliding, seeping its way out
It's not REAL !! It can't hurt !!
 Pushing against you,
lurking, smirking, waiting to burst.
Boulders of woe are rolling down,
bringing with it buried memories.
Crashing and smashing below your crown
Why didn't you cry ??
Run Run... and hide.....

i still have to do this one..
actually. see how my life goes.
i might not have to post this one
up at all... who knows?????



This Poem is written for the most
 DEAREST person in the world

RED lip BLUE cheeks  (view)

Treasure what you find.
You hate it ! Its still there inside.
Wanting so much can make you blind.
Its there waiting for you
When fidelity, love, & the iron hand collide
Saya..... saya one of a kind.
Never, Sever, Ever she,
repose only to Jesus.
How could I see ? Why should it happen to me..
Look down ! stare at the pieces,
" I do " then she looks at me
now shrouded, how could this ever be.
24 sept 98
by Cuong Nguyen

Hate, Hate, Hate
can't i be with out ?
I AM ? cracks....cracks of the slate
Just another broken thing?
While i wait and pout.
Pieces are laying there
lavished together by blond hair, blues eyes.
No, wait !! wait for that long black hair
Hoping to be whole,
together shall the strands hear my pains and cries
15-10-98 C.n

Can't think of a name just yet....This was written for bianca.25-10-98
Thanks you Rachelle for helping me come up with this name.
(29-10-98) I think its the best....=o)
Love is not freely given
because feelings are there.
Still confused by the unfor-given.
Is it just a poker game?
Dealing out love, love for all to share.

Why must it deal with out knowing !
Owned by barriers and trapped by innocence
Impel to follow streams of ever flowing.
Flowing with freshness only to be borrowed
bit by bit till it wails sorrow.

Shells and walls are nothing but mares.
will innocence be taken as well ?
now left shaking for all to stare
still, its drifting.............
flowing for that true love Virgo.

by Cuong.N 25-10-98

Some Once Told Me
"You deserve better"
"why do you put up with it"
"and why you let others treat
you like...'SHIT that you're not'  ".
In this world there are two types of people
those who lie with their eyes opened.
and some lie with their eyes closed.

Lies are made while promises are broken
b/c they are as weak as the people who make them...
still their eyes are opened

Promises are made while lies are broken
b/c they are as weak as the people who make them...
still their eyes are closed


Hidden closed eyes may say
same as torn heart spell
" deep hurt shall stay"
like being open to gates of hell.
Take it away, never be returned to
prove thy self, priming thy self
so that closed eyes shall never pray.

Over and Over again shut off and forgotten
makes souls full of hate, sorrow;.
Hate that stays with eyes wide opened.
OOOOOoooooo shall i live tomorrow?
Living to be hurt , only wanting to be loved.
For what? Innocence? honesty? how about stupidity !!
Yes honesty and innocence gives me invisibility.

by cuong

* Fear Is Only For The Love........d *

One of your smile is worth a million of mine
two, and I will love you forever.
“What”  am I seeing you bec koning?
You are ! You are !! As I reach for you through jagged SpiNes
hands are torn li ke severed liver
Your eyes well with warm tears of calling

Every tear makes me burn in love for you.
Watching you hold yourself and dropping to your knees
only makes me go  deeper till I’m dieing.
How far will I have to go to show? My love is true !
Don’t run, Don’t go, Don’t leave me !!
Can you hear me? what have I done!? why are your tears falling.

Yru going! Yru running! WHY AM I ALONE....
My world is whirling while fate stares through my crimson eyes.
Give me 3 nails and 2 brothers, stake me up so I will bare
your sins; are seeping to the bone.
Was it too much for you ? don’t dare to see me cry ?
..... or have u no love to spare .....

Cu'õ'ng 29-11-98


              I think this is just me or is it that i can't be happy ?? i'm happy lots... aren't I ?
                still its me hey ?!?!
                but for some reason can't write happy poems.... !!!!!
                gggrrr    }=o\
                I'll try !! soooo ... from now on i will try to write "happier" poems ^_^

aRRR... bugger it... the only time when i write the is when i am hurt angry and in love..
so i doubt much will be about "happiness"

My very own LOVER

When I first met you, I never knew it would turn out like this.
You're EVERYTHING my heart desires.

            *(She shouts,)*

"Kiss me now..", "KISS ME NOW DAMMIT" !! then all shall be BLISSsss
 When you are too young, unimaginable writhe are laying ahead..!!
Its ok... its ok.. its ok.. its ok... it'll be Okay.
When arms are wrapping souls are inspired.
Hurts shall be mend and cries will be smothered.  =*o(

Nurture me !! Be my mother that I never had.
So once your gone, you'll be the mother that I'll never have.


            *(he wants)*

love NOT seen, not kicked when MAD.
Phobia is acquired by die-ing in a corner with extreme fear..!!
Its ok... its ok.. its ok.. its ok... it'll be Okay.
All is normal.  No one to hold, hurts are without scab
and everyone is home.

Now I am back in my my corner
I see-all is here again

            *(and recites)*

Don't come closer, don't come closer, don't come closer.
Never again shall a child's soul be hurt and killed..!!
Its ok... its ok.. its ok.. its ok... it'll be Okay.
to cut his heart out and toss him back into the pit of pain.
Where no one sees or cares.

Why are you looking at me?  Can you see past mask of happiness?
Can I open my eyes..?? Is it safe ??  To say

            *(I Love You)*

" Leave.. me !! " I have to hide again, before there is kindness.
" I know how to live ! " Down the pit and in my corner. "  So why do you care?
Its ok... its ok.. its ok.. its ok... it'll be Okay.
To be held again.....??  For that, broken faces continues to pray;
Please...." Hold me,..... hold me T IGHT and never let me go !! "


Delta Hearts

Travelling down the delta of  MY heart
searching for the only thiNG....
EveR so Gentle and EVER so crazY !!
who will never do us part.

with arms wider than my Lacerated Tears
And EYes of  star so BriGHT.
Keeping Me safe till the end of time.
NOne other than my only lover shall compare

To the mOmENT of no violence,
Shall i stand in front of You.
OnlY then Will i know the trUe meaning
 OF .......... " Wails remaining silent ".

All which stemS shall nOt eXist.
Along with mY fears;
Bending me and covering me no LONGer !
For ONE love so  TRUE How could i rEsisT.  ?!?!
CuonG N

Bubbles Bristling Beyond

I love to smile and adore happiness.
It is my childhood dream !!
Shall I stop being extreme
and stop finding my dream ?
I will be sorry yes I will "yes you will".

What more could I have done ?
What more could I be ?
What more could I see ?
Shall I just be me ?
I feel what others can not see

And see what eyes can not feel.
Holding on to a few precious thoughts.
I can't stand when I am refused to sort
my secretes, that others have so cheaply bought.
Why does the world love hurting me !!

Bubbles shall burst and hope for trust
because a part of me could not stay.
Some one will say " what is lost can never be saved ! "
While in my cage,  staring at the world in disarray,
I can't help but feel scared and lost.

 " for the future  "
7-2-99 Cuong nguyen

